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Sitecore Experience Platform 8.2 Update-1

Sitecore 8.2 builds on the core functionality released on the 8.x platform and continues to incorporate feedback we have received from customers, partners, and analysts to strengthen the platform since Sitecore 8.0 was released. Commerce usability and functionality have been improved and additional modules such as Experience Accelerator and Express Migrations have been introduced to help customers speed implementation times and assist with moving to the modern 8.x platform.

Sitecore 8.2 Update-1 supports a full Azure PaaS deployment and the release comes with out of the box support for:

  • Azure Web Apps for hosting your Sitecore site
  • Application Insights for health monitoring
  • Redis Cache for session state
  • Azure Search for search engine support
  • Azure SQL for databases

This page contains all the resources for Sitecore Experience Platform 8.2 rev. 161115 (8.2 Update-1).

Looking for a different version? See all available versions.

Download options

Sitecore web application installerChoose this link to download the setup.exe (packaged as zip) installation program. This is everything you need to get started.
ZIP archive of the Sitecore site root folderChoose this link to install Sitecore manually (without the help of the setup.exe installation program).
Oracle databasesIf you intend to use Oracle for the Core db, please download the following file and check the installation guide for instructions on how to install and configure Oracle.

Download options for Azure AppService

Packages for XP0 configurationWebDeploy package for XP0 / Single Instance configuration.
Packages for XP/XP1 configurationPackages for XP1 configuration with four dedicated roles: CM, CD, Processing, Reporting.
Packages for XM/XM1 configurationPackages for XM1 configuration with two roles: CM, CD. These packages are configured in CMS-only mode.
Packages for XDB1 configurationPackages for XDB1 configuration with two dedicated roles: Processing and Reporting.

Release Information

Release NotesA list of features, improvements, and fixes that have been implemented in this release.
Known issuesChoose this link to access the Sitecore Knowledge Base.
Installation GuideThe installation procedure for the Sitecore Experience Platform.
Upgrade guideTo upgrade from a previous Sitecore version please follow the instructions in this guide.
Configuration file changesConfig file changes in Sitecore Experience Platform 8.2 Update-1 compared to Sitecore Experience Platform 8.2 Initial Release.
You may need this document when you migrate you instances using the Express Migration Tool.
Assembly ListComplete list of assemblies shipped with this release.


Web Forms For Marketers 8.2Download files and release information for Web Forms for Marketers 8.2 (Update-1).

Upgrade options

The Sitecore Update PackageDownload the files that you need for the upgrade process.
Configuration files for upgradeDownload this package if you need only web.config and App_config files.
Sitecore Update Installation WizardThe Update Installation Wizard allows developers to update existing Sitecore Experience Platform using Sitecore update packages.
Express Migration ToolThe Sitecore Express Migration Tool makes it easy for customers to help migrate older instances to the latest version of Sitecore Experience Platform without the need to gradually upgrade from version to version.
The Express Migration Tool 2.0 supports migration of  Sitecore 6.6 and Sitecore 7.2 to the Sitecore Experience Platform 8.2 Update-1.

Client Translations

Danish (da-DK)Danish language client translation file. Read instructions how to import a new language into the Sitecore installation.
German (de-DE)German language client translation file. Read instructions how to import a new language into the Sitecore installation.
Japanese (ja-JP)Japanese language client translation file. Read instructions how to import a new language into the Sitecore installation.

Usage policies

Sitecore Device Detection Services Usage PolicyThis policy is applicable if you are using Sitecore Device Detection Service.
Sitecore IP Geolocation Usage PolicyThis policy is applicable if you are using Sitecore IP Geolocations Service.
Sitecore xDB Cloud Usage PolicyThis policy is applicable if you are using Sitecore xDB Cloud.

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