When Solr is used, the dropdowns for monthly and yearly intervals are empty when attempting to schedule a recurring delivery. | | 111221 |
EXM throws a System.UnauthorizedAccessException when a user unsubscribes and read access is disabled for the recipient list or the list is removed. | | 107393 |
A validation is needed when no variants are chosen on "Send quick test". | | 110482 |
The Scroll bar has been removed from Create recipient list dialog. | | 110807 |
The Search field has been reset in the Preview recipients dialog. | | 109643 |
The Search field has been reset in the Select list dialog. | | 109792 |
Newsletter template moved to "Sample Newsletter" package | | 110235 |
On the recipients tab, when you schedule message delivery, the monthly and yearly drop-down lists areempty for the ECM Advanced User role. | | 83629 |
On the recipients tab, when you schedule message delivery, the monthly and yearly drop-down lists are empty if Sitecore is configured to use Solr. | | 111221 |
EXM cannot be launched from the desktop | | 116989 |
Links in plain text messages do not generate correctly so message statistics cannot be tracked. | | 75305 |
Message statistics for a specific campaign are not displayed for messages that are older than one month. | | 115475 |
Clicking a link from an EXM message throws an exception if your IP address is specified in the excludedIPAddresses configuration setting. | | 109090 |
When sending a subscription confirmation mail, not all links are encrypted. | | 111996 |
The CalculateRecipientCount method causes OutOfMemoryException. | | 115674 |
Buttons only work when you click them exactly in the center. | | 117716 |
Images are not displayed in message body previews. | | 109788 |
Clicking a link from some mailbox providers always creates the Email Opened First Time and Email Opened events. | | 118866 |
Images are not displayed in the message body preview. | | 109788 |
The Media library doesn't display uploaded images. | | 109786 |
An exception is thrown when you send a message from the Review tab. | | 112522 |
The plus sign in the Subject or From Name field is replaced with space when you save. | | 112725 |
The NullReferenceException is thrown in AbnTest.CreateTestVariableItem when the test variable item does not exist. | | 116199 |
Incorrect values are displayed in the Browsed and the Value and visits charts. | | 118155 |
EXM Draft/Sent messages are not listed when the content language is not English. | | 110920 |
You cannot create a new message if you have set useDisplayName in the linkProvider. | | 110917 |
EXM logs errors when using Custom SMTP even when everything is OK. | | 114469 |
You cannot resubscribe to a list in EXM. | | 101015 |
The spam check for messages with no subject causes an exception in the log. | | 119252 |
The Select list dialog appears after the recipients list when you create a list if you have previously tried to create a segmented list. | | 120010 |
An unhandled exception message is shown when you upload more than one html file as a message template. | | 119118 |
The Scheduled field for automated messages displays the wrong value. | | 119121 |
The recipients count for sent campaigns in the message info panel can change. | | 120857 |
The unique click rate can be higher than the unique open rate. | | 119097 |
The Email campaign Message Text and Message Text Line fields do not work. | | 120715 |
The RedirectUrlPage pipeline truncates the url when it contains the = character as part of a query string value. | | 107588 |
The Send quick test button is disabled even after an automated message is deactivated. | | 37723 |
An exception is logged in the EXM log file if a plain text message is created and the body is left empty. | | 121900 |
If the From Address is empty, the default From Address is not applied to Automated messages. | | 121898 |
The validation does not allow you to add an IP address as a domain name. | | 79445 |
The dashboard link redirects users to the same page on all email delivery administration pages. | | 112512 |
The styling in confirmation dialogs for message delivery is inconsistent. | | 119119 |
Setting the test size to 100% for A/B tests causes an error when trying to select a winner | | 97710 |
Messages are not sent if they contain an incorrect external link. | | 58683 |
Some phrases are not localizable. | | 111154 |
Unsubscribe events are counted as both an unsubscribe and a click. | | 123695 |
The unique click rate can be higher than 100% for a campaign. | | 119779 |
When you try to send a quick test for an automated message, an exception is logged in the EXM log file. | | 123492 |
Sometimes when you disable Emulation mode, it is not disabled. | | 103735 |
The Report for this email campaign link in the Select Winner notification links to the Message task page instead of the Campaign report page. | | 124265 |
By default, an unsubscribe event no longer also generates a campaign event. | | 125288 |
The Body editor becomes inaccessible if you add an item when you save changes to an item. | | 49419 |
A user permission exception occurs when you upgrade EXM. | | 121632 |
Values and translations are missing from the Dashboard charts in German. | | 120256 |
The Counters.Enabled setting has no affect on the CpuAvgPerformance counter. | | 99467 |
A notification about emulation mode is shown when you cancel campaign scheduling. | | 126503 |
Invalid email addresses can cause problems during the dispatch process of a campaign. | | 124739 |
External links containing special characters are broken. | | 125487 |
Clicking pause/resume repeatedly creates multiple dispatch jobs. | | 127848 |
Exceptions related to the dimension transformers occur when an item related to the message is deleted. | | 127960 |
The click-to-open rate on the campaign report is calculated incorrectly. | | 119101 |
A campaign dispatch can be duplicated because the Send message button is not disabled immediately after it has been clicked. | | 125562 |
Field values are not copied for other language versions when you create an item from a branch. | | 125543 |
The Subject field is not HTML encoded when viewed in the the message lists. | | 126495 |
Not all charts on the Dashboard are refreshed when you switch between two manager roots. | | 126511 |
The Browsed metric is incremented when you click different links in an email, instead of only when you browse to other pages from the landing page. | | 126518 |
The axes of the Value and Visits chart are incorrect for email campaigns with several languages. | | 126507 |
Users in the EXM User or EXM Advanced User role cannot create multi-language email campaigns based on an existing page. | | 126504 |
Values in the Value and visits chart are rounded off incorrectly. | | 121540 |
The "View reports for this message" link does not open the campaign report. | | 126502 |