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Release Notes

January 2018 - released Sitecore Experience Commerce 9.0 Initial Release

| Published a new  Packages for On Premises 2018.01-2.0.254  release package, fixing an incorrect URL for the public Sitecore XC myget feed. No other changes were made.Please download the latest release package, or instead correct the URL directly in your original release package as follows:
- In package  Sitecore.Commerce.Engine.SDK.2.0.1922.zip  open file  nuget.config
- On row 6 remove URL:  https://sitecore.myget.org/F/sc-commerce-preview/api/v3/index.json
- Replace URL with:  https://sitecore.myget.org/F/sc-commerce-packages/api/v3/index.json |

New feature/improvements

BrandingNew Sitecore Experience Commerce (Sitecore XC) branding, applicable starting in release 9.0.
Commerce servicesNew Catalog, Inventory, and Customer subsystems.
Business ToolsNew single-page business tools application for all business tools, launched from the Sitecore dashboard. It has been developed wtih Angular 4. The contents are driven from within the Commerce Engine plugins, so changes are easy for developers to make.
StorefrontNew Storefront solution based on the Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) module, comprising:
- Sitecore Commerce Foundation (foundation layer)
- 40+ Commerce components for SXA (feature layer)
- A storefront site template consisting of SXA-based pages and commerce components (project layer)
- Two pre-defined themes: Storefront Mock-up and Storefront Branded
ConnectCommerce Connect continues to be embedded in Sitecore XC. It has been rebuilt and updated:
- Personalization rules and service layers from the 8.2.1 release have been included, except Product Synchronization.
- The engagement data stored with page events, goals, and outcomes has been encapsulated in PoCo objects and converters as required in xDB.
ConnectA new currency provider interface has been introduced in Commerce Connect that allows the selected currency to be passed to the Commerce Engine implicitly on all calls. Some method calls accept currecy to be explicitly provided as parameter and, if provided, will take precedence. The SXA Storefront implements the interface and the currency configured in control panel is passed on to the Commerce Engine.
ConnectIn Commerce Connect, shopping cart line quantity has been converted from an Integer type to a Decimal to allow for fractions.


Commerce ServerThe legacy Commerce Server product has been completely removed. Catalog, Inventory and Customer functionality has moved into the new Commerce Services.
CS Connect
Commerce Server Connect (CS Connect) has been removed. Applicable functionality has moved to Commerce Engine Connect (CE Connect).
Business ToolsThe Merchandising Manager, Pricing and Promotions Manager, and Customer and Order Manager have been removed. They have been replaced with the new Business Tools application.
StorefrontThe Sitecore Reference Storefront has been removed, replaced by the new SXA Storefront.

Resolved issues

DescriptionCustomer ticket IDInternal ID
ValidateSitecoreConnectionBlock returns false when sitecore/content/home item is removed49841734646
Initialize cart on adding a promomotion code49840234622/34580
IsShopNameCondition is case-sensitive49801234576
Unnecessary warning OrderHasNoOnHoldComponent while putting an order on hold48946532709
Promotions able to store absolute values, not only a percent (a discount)48483227689
Engine Connect must be able to use different currencies but not only the default one486306/48632628646/32431
It is not possible to set price more than 999 via the "Update List Price" in the "MERCHANDISING MANAGER"49483432313
Media prefix is hard coded for the images in the Merchandising Manager49439432143
Categories for a base catalog are not displayed if there is not the "en-US" language for this catalog49089730773
Customer and Order Manager does not update First/Last Name on the CF Site49198223743
Sitecore Commerce PricingServiceProvider error when attempting to get price for a variant with same VariantId value as parent product's ProductId484755/49488328460
Incorrect numbers in Customer and Order Manager when .Net Globalization culture is non-English496926, 49718533736
Customer and Order Manager should show dates in same time zone49542932806/32807
Sitecore Commerce Engine sends many authentication web api requests during startup49537132629/32630
Slow checkout when you have many countries configured48951531822
Adding an Item to a Cart and then subsequently deleting that item from the Catalog causes the Cart to no longer open48838528574
XP disablers (EventDisasbler, SecurityDisabler) are thread sticky488959173499

Incomplete - coming in a release update

AreaDescriptionInternal ID
Catalog schemaThe generalized default Catalog system schema - for products ("sellable items"), Catagories, and Catalogs - cannot be modified from the Business Tools. Instead, this KB article describes how you can extend the schema through components.35019
ConnectCommerce reports for Experience Profile and Experience Analytics113053
ConnectCommerce-specific Marketing Automation Campaigns (formerly called Engagement Automation Plans):
- Abandonned Cart
- New Order Placed
- Product Back in Stock
The Commerce-specific pipelines and listers etc. needed for these Marketing Automation Campaigns have not been completed.
198730, 198736
ConnectProduct Synchronization in the Connect service layer; this code has been temporarily removed until it is rebuilt for the 9.0 stack.191310
UpgradeThe 8.x to 9.0 Upgrade and Migration feature has not been completed; it will completed in a future release. Included in this release:
- Commerce Engine 8.2.1 to 9 upgrade: a plugin for upgrading Entity Lists, including the ability to inject custom upgrade logic.
- A web service for performing import/export of Catalog entities, and a Postman sample for invoking the service.
Excluded from this release:
- Migration tool for Catalog data and Inventory data, for mapping legacy schemas to the Commerce Engine.
- Migration tool for analytics data stored in xDB.

Known issues

AreaDescriptionInternal ID
ConnectIn order to fully support xConnect, Commerce Connect introduces breaking changes mostly around the domain models that come with the APIs. For more information see the Commerce Connect Developer's Guide, located on the Sitecore Experience Commerce page of doc.sitecore.net.196979
Business ToolsBusiness Tools Home button (grid icon in upper left corner) on the Launch Pad navigates the user back to the root of the Commerce tools, whereas the user may expect to be taken back to the Sitecore Launch Pad.34419
Business ToolsUnable to configure business user authorization by entities, for example by specific regional catalog or promotion book. This is because the new Business Tools live outside of the Sitecore app space, so it was necessary to provide a new authentication mechanism. The new Identity Server is provided as part of the Commerce release package which communicates with the Membership Provider within Sitecore to grant role-based access to the business tools.N/A
StorefrontCross-brower support is not fully implemented. The solution has been developed and tested on Google Chrome. Mozilla Firefox is very close to being fully supported, with a few exceptions like no mock images appear in place of product images when applying the 'Storefront Mock-up with mock images' theme.35136
StorefrontIt is not possible to put presentations directly on Catalog items in Sitecore and target them directly in the browser.36076
StorefrontThe SXA Carousel component on Storefront home page is not always displayed on the first slide of the carousel. When the carousel is showing the first slide (query parameter "Carousel=0") and the customer navigates to another page and back again, the carousel slide will not show up again.35271
StorefrontPromoted products on the Storefront home page under headingOn Sale Televisions turns up empty. This is due to the query being used is targeting index field OnSale, which is not present in the index. Workaround: update the query to not target the OnSale field.36074
StorefrontUsing virtual directories when creating and configuring SXA Storefront sites in SXA is not fully working correctly.35904, 34712, 35725
StorefrontRelated products do not display on the product detail page even though the component is inserted on the page. This is because the fieldscontaining links to related products of different types changed on the product template and from the data provider in CE Connect. The Related Products component is targetingthe wrong field.32104
StorefrontLacking JsonAntiForgeryToken implementation for all controllers and actions in Storefront solution33062
StorefrontRegistered commerce users on different sites could login to all Storefront sites. Commerce Connect by default only recognize one security domain in Sitecore whereas each site should have it's own separate domain. Workaround: change the implementation of the User and Customer repositories to work with individual domains per site.34064
StorefrontCreating storefront sites when in another language than English will have some parts of the content turn up in English anyway.35907
StorefrontTier-1 language translation files: Japanese, German, Chinese and Danish are not included in the release package. These files will be added after the release, as separate download files on the Sitecore XC 9.0 Initial Release page on dev.sitecore.net.26941
DeploymentDeploy-Sitecore-Commerce.ps1 has incorrect path forSXAStorefrontCatalogModuleFullPath. Should be ..\Sitecore Commerce Experience Accelerator Habitat Catalog*.zip based on extracted files in package36046
DeploymentDeploy-Sitecore-Commerce.ps1 has incorrect path for SitecoreCommerceEngineZipPath. Should be ..\Sitecore.Commerce.Engine.2.*.zip based on deployment guide instructions36046
DeploymentThe following error is returned when running Deploy-Sitecore-Commerce.ps1 when trying to deploy the Storefront:  "Error occurred: The remote server returned an error: (424) Method Failure...".  This error message can be ignored.
DeploymentDeploying to an Azure App Service may fail intermittently when deploying all of Sitecore XP, Sitecore XC, SXA, and SXA Storefront, and when "deployExmDds" is set to true. This occurs because the bootloader does not correctly remove the locks after has finished processing. Workaround: remove “App_Data\Maintenance_lock”. And if it exists, remove file "app_offline.htm". And, if file "default.htm" gets renamed to "default.htm.sitedown" then rename it back to "default.htm".32606
App CompatSitecore XC 9 does not support Windows Server 2012 (even though Sitecore XP does).32831


Refer to the Installation Guides (On Premises or Azure App Service) for software pre-requisites.

| The Commerce Server Connect (CS Connect) package has also been removed. Applicable functionality has been moved to Commerce Engine Connect (CE Connect). |

| The Commerce Server Connect (CS Connect) package has also been removed. Applicable functionality has been moved to Commerce Engine Connect (CE Connect). |

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