April 2019 – released Sitecore Experience Accelerator 1.8 Update 1(rev. 190319)
Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) enables parallel work streams (content, creative design, UX, coding) to not only reduce the time required to produce a website, but also improve the quality by allowing all contributors to validate each other's contributions. SXA provides reusable user experience layouts and components that are fully integrated into the Sitecore editing experience.
New feature/improvements
Description | Customer ticket ID (or other) | TFS no. |
In the Content Editor, the tooltips for the Tags , CSS Class , and Data Attributes fields have been improved. | | 250866 |
The Variant tag is no longer rendered when the tag is not selected. | 515121 | 253519 |
You can now pass the Rendering Variant model object to the RuleContext . | | 296284 |
You can now skip scanning for related items in the AggregatedContent computed field by inheriting from an additional data template. | | 297946 |
Resolved issues
The following issues have been fixed:
Description | Customer ticket ID (or other) | TFS no. |
The Location finder is not pre-populated with the locations based on the geo-coordinates in the URL. | 509173 | 247183 |
The gallery splash image for video services other than YouTube is not shown in some geographical locations. | 516834 | 247273 |
The Server Error Page should return HTTP code 500 instead of 200. | | 247325 |
On a mobile device, a visitor is unable to swipe up or down in the Carousel . | 40805 | 250221 |
The Date Picker component should use the current context language to display translated calendars. | 514515 | 250618 |
The Variant tag should not be rendered when the tag is not selected. | 515121 | 253519 |
The Multiroot Treelist item selector does not support multiple roots. | 515219 | 253926 |
The Data source of a rendering is always created in the English language instead of the current language of the page. | 514683, 518445, 518957, 521666 | 254850 |
In the EXM Experience Editor , in the Data source dialog, the Create button doesn't work correctly. | 516129, 518595 | 255361 |
In the Internal Link field, the Edit link experience button does not show a link selection dialog. | 515600 | 255525 |
Facet filters do not pass the Item ID to the server and this results in the wrong indexes being queried. | 520809 | 255689 |
When handling a 500 error, the customErrors setting in the Web.config file is not taken into account. | 516062 | 255691 |
The placeholders of a shared site are not listed in the Placeholder settings dialog. | 516611 | 256433 |
The Local Placeholder setting displays incorrect names for dynamic placeholders. | 517440 | 258360 |
When you select a variant of a component, no value is displayed. | 517688 | 286579 |
Fields with GUID based values in an SXA site are not properly replaced when the site is cloned. | 517886 | 287628 |
The content in a snippet can't be removed if the snippet is in a splitter component. | 517827 | 287678 |
The Image component defaults to style="margin: 0px 0px" if the Space settings of the image are empty. | 518291 | 288593 |
In SXA, search only works for items under the Home site. | 518430 | 288824 |
A SectionVariant with the IsLink field selected, throws a Null exception if the Field used as link target field of the datasource item is not set. | 518301 | 289780 |
In preview mode, the Accordion Item 1 text is not fully displayed in the rendering. | | 289932 |
In the Experience Editor, if the tenant name contains a hyphen, the Site Page Designs button returns an error. | 518303 | 289938 |
You cannot remove or add components from a snippet in any language other than the UI language. | 517827, 521866 | 290142 |
When you publish, the caching options may not be properly flushed because the wrong site is resolved on the CD server. | 517830, 523390 | 290325 |
SXA cross-site links do not work if the links are defined in different domains. | | 290329 |
In the Experience Editor, media items that are uploaded from a Rich Text component, are not created in the context language. | 518949 | 290662 |
When you apply personalization to an SXA rendering, the Solr Error : ["undefined field local"] error is shown. | 516932 | 290802 |
In the Creative Exchange Export settings dialog, unexpected additional sites may be displayed in the Site context section. | | 293640 |
The Insert link window doesn't show the current site's home node and it's child items.`` | 519867, 522154, 523301, 523870 | 293880 |
A page does not inherit the placeholder settings that are defined for a Partial Design. | 519571 | 293964 |
In a Snippet component, nested data sources are not searchable. | 519933 | 295374 |
Search does not work with a facet when it has a space in its name. | 520829 | 298497 |
The Inheritance computed index field causes a NullReferenceException when you rebuild the analytics index. | 521422 | 300208 |
Links in a Rich Text field are rendered incorrectly in the Privacy Warning component. | 521839 | 301848 |
When you use the Bootstrap 4 grid, an extra unwanted row class is added around some placeholders. | 522563, 522590 | 301904 |
When you create a new version of an item that is cloned using the Delegated Areas feature, a permissions issue causes an error. | 520423 | 296374 |
When you enter special characters like & or ? in the Search box, no results are returned and a JavaScript error appears in the browser console. | 516898 | 257237 |
The multisite link provider can cause problems when generating a customized error page. | 520345 | 295034 |
The following error appears in the Internet Explorer browser console: Object doesn't support the property or method 'parseInt' . | 520179, 521301, 525215 | 295759 |
A potential memory leak is caused by using a platform method that is not suited for production code. | 522137 | 300071 |