June 2024 – released Sitecore Experience Platform 10.2.2 rev. 010645
This is a product update. Sitecore recommends that you upgrade to this release to apply the fixes and improvements implemented since the initial release of this product version.
New features/improvements
Context | Description | ADO no. |
Platform | Updated the ChilkatDotNet47.dll library version to | 615207 |
Platform | Added the ability to enable LiveMode in SiteContext in runtime. | 585571 |
Platform | Updated the Sitecore Installation Assistant to version 1.4.2, as part of adding support for the SXP 10.2.2 update release. This tool is available on the SXP 10.2.2 Downloads page in the Download options for On Premises deployments section; see Installation Assistant for XM Scaled and Installation Assistant for XP Single. | N/A |
Platform | Updated the Traefik container image to version 2.11.0. | 615165 |
Platform | Updated the default SQL server version for container deployments - from an older SQl version to SQL 2019; published a new mssql-developer:2019-ltsc2019(ltsc2022) image. | 614529 |
Security | Enhanced security in product and 3rd party libraries to reduce potential vulnerabilities. | 594651, 606641, 609758, 615391 |
Resolved issues
Context | Description | ADO no. |
Content Editor | Opening an item from the Content Editor Navigate tab results in an Object reference not set to an instance of an object error. | 491656 |
Experience Editor | Simultaneous launch of Experience Editor in two browsers after restarting the Sitecore instance causes one of them to crash. | 412499 |
Experience Editor | Breadcrumbs do not resolve the correct site when clicking the Go button without selecting any item. | 597335 |
Experience Editor | A Mutex corruption blocks all requests to open Experience Editor. | 603194 |
Experience Editor | A Speak request is using wrong site context in preview mode. | 607142 |
Rich Text Editor | The internal link to a versioned media item added in the Rich Text Editor contains the wrong language. | 592307 |
Rich Text Editor | The internal link to a versioned media item added in the Rich Text Editor contains the wrong language using a Sitecore link via Search when languageEmbedding is set to always. | 592301 |
Publishing | Previewing unpublishable items is not possible even when setting previewUnpublishableItems to true. | 498395 |
Forms | A multipage form validates fields even though the page has been skipped. | 592310 |
Forms | Unable to access a closed stream error occurs while saving files from filestorage table to disk. | 603638 |
Processing | A cumulative hotfix applied on Sitecore XP 10.2 creates deadlocks in an XP1 topology. | 591897 |
Experience Apps | The LeaderBoard is empty when selecting it from the Reports. | 597461 |
Personalization | No rule fact resolver can be found for ISegmentationServiceContext when using a filter with goal taxonomy facet rule. | 516003 |
Personalization | Long personalization rules in the segmented list leads to a serialization exception. | 589574 |
Marketing Automation | Scheduled enrollment adds contacts to Marketing Automation plans even if a plan is inactive. | 605291 |
Marketing Automation | Workitem processing does not check the plan state, e.g. Active or Inactive. | 613815 |
Marketing Automation | Scheduled enrollment does not respect the maximum enrollment setting. | 614401 |
Email Experience Manager | The email campaign description does not support special characters. | 604409 |
Email Experience Manager | The EmailOpenedEvent is saved against source contact after merging a known contact (source contact) into a known contact (target contact). | 608291 |
Universal Tracker | A System.ArgumentException error may occur after retrieving a contact by multiple identifiers in a single batch. | 606531 |
Platform | Extraction of shared media content is performed for each language during indexing. | 324449 |
Platform | GetDataSourceItemByQuery aborts the pipeline even if it could not process the data source. | 486907 |
Platform | A BlobProviderException occurs when publishing a site item if the media was detached from the item. | 490149 |
Platform | The GetRenderingContentDependenciesPipeline crashes when there are broken links. | 593160 |
Platform | Recursive related items in a content dependency is not working as expected. | 593054 |
Platform | Recursive related items and related items in a content dependency returns all items in all languages. | 593323 |
Platform | Unable to login virtual user in the httpRequestBegin pipeline after installing previous SXP 10.2 hotfix #554564. | 594111 |
Platform | LiveModeEnabler does not support publishing in preview mode. | 605729 |
Platform | Wrong method name OnDoubleClick in Sitecore.Reflection.Filtering.config . | 589519 |
Platform | The .pdf file should be opened in ReadOnly mode when its content is read for indexing. | 591674 |
Platform | the ResizeProcessor may be inefficient when invoked for non-image media. | 595667 |
Platform | Media files are stored on the file system during indexing. | 595670 |
Platform | Creating a validation rule with parameter Result=FatalError does not allow standard values to be saved. | 598149 |
Platform | A DataEngine deadlock can occur between two threads that are making changes to unrelated items. | 599633 |
Platform | Content extraction of many .pdf files using PdfSharp may consume excessive CPU resources. | 604026 |
Platform | Accessing a Sitecore URL such as https://(CD domain)/(item ID format) results in an Object reference not set to an instance of an object error. | 609009 |