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Release Notes

June 2017 – released Sitecore Experience Platform 8.2 Update 4 (rev. 170614)

This is a product update. Sitecore recommends that you upgrade to this release if it includes fixes that meet the specific needs of your organization. If this release does not include new functionality or specific fixes that your organization requires, you may benefit from waiting to upgrade until Sitecore releases an update that is relevant for your organization. This is especially true in production environments.

New features/improvements

ContextDescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
APIThe scope of the Caching.DebugEnabled setting on the Remove(object key) and Remove(Predicate predicate) methods has been extended.
ConfigurationIn DEBUG mode, all the boosting logs are set to Verbose.
96907, 453974
Item Buckets APIThe facet-related code was optimized for better performance.
145292, 146428, 145306, 96751, 451348
MiscellaneousThe CdnPath and CdnDebugPath URLs now use HTTPS.
Web Forms for MarketersWhen you create a form, the default engagement value is 100.

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed:

ContextDescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
APIDeviceItem.FindBestMatch does not fallback to the default device when an exception is raised in MatchesRules.
APIAn incorrect value in the SourceItem field causes GetItemUriFromSourceItem to fail.
APIAn incorrect value in the __Source Item field breaks all the API calls to the item. 
CachingThe ItemCache is not updated after the RestoreItemCompletedEvent.  
Content EditorThe Content Editor behaves unreliably when an item contains more than 255 fields.
Content EditorWhen you rename an item, its new name is not published.
Content EditorThe field description is shown in the content language.
Content EditorSearching in the content tree opens an item in the default language.
94798, 404768
Content EditorIn the Media Library, the Upload Files dialog fails to handle errors correctly and hangs when using Flash.
Content EditorThe Rebuild All, Rebuild Index, and Refresh Tree commands cause a serialization exception.
Content EditorIf you insert a long text (more than 2000 characters) into any field, an exception occurs.
Content EditorTime is not shown in a DateTime field.
Content EditorBreaking changes in the behavior of UserOptions.View.UseDisplayName cause names in the content tree to be displayed incorrectly.
ContentSearch.AzureThe ​Azure Search provider does not support full-text search.​482343, 483099, 481732157546
ContentSearch.AzureThe Take, Skip, and Page methods do not work.​479281150080
ContentSearch.AzureSearch queries may use the wrong syntax,​ ​​​ignoring​​​​​ Azure Search schema settings​.​485228162451
ContentSearch.AzureExceptions occur when deleting non-existent documents​​​.​​485681, 486771, 487667, 490105, 492778, 495086162750, 164633
ContentSearch.Azure​The _content field must not be marked as retrievable​.
ContentSearch.Azure​The NotSupportedException exception is thrown when indexing the __semantics fields.​​​478680, 481403146415
ContentSearch.AzureCollection fields contain old value in the index when emptied.482169155653
ContentSearch.Azure​​CloudSearchDocumentBuilder is not taken from the documentBuilderType node of the index configuration.​​​478680, 486819146322
ContentSearch.AzureLinq provider parses a service response multiple times.479281150103
ContentSearch.AzureCloudSearchProviderIndex queries are logged incorrectly​​ as DEBUG​ level.​479281, 483094147541
Item BucketsThe Item Bucket sync job does not display a count of the processed units.
96608, 448409
Item Buckets Content SearchContent search tries to access the master DB from a CD server.
Item Buckets Content SearchA Multilist field that contains IDs without brackets is not indexed. 
96010, 433710
Language fallbackDuring buckets operations, an English version of an item is created when language fallback is enabled.
Layouts and renderingsThe layout delta is generated incorrectly for the _standard values and the additional attributes of the rendering of the context item.
157536, 159275, 159276
Layouts and renderingsIncorrect Placeholder was not found warnings are added to the log file for cached renderings.
Layouts and renderingsAn exception occurs when you open the presentation details of a SPEAK item.
96422, 442312
List ManagerImporting csv files in the List Manager on xDB Cloud was slow and has now been improved.
MediaIn some scenarios, media items with the same name are not overwritten when Upload.SimpleUploadOverwriting=true.
MiscellaneousOn slow environments, AlarmClock breaks processing.
MiscellaneousOn the Sitecore Desktop, the Control Panel shortcut opens the Log Viewer application.
MiscellaneousThe AddToPublishQueue method does not work with the Oracle data provider.
154851, 158554
MiscellaneousThe XFrameOptionsHeaderModule module picks up front-end requests.
MiscellaneousWhen SitecoreADMembershipProvider is configured, the application crashes when you attempt to log in.
MiscellaneousDuring password recovery, sending an email can fail silently without entering an exception in the log file.
MiscellaneousIn the Export language wizard, the Download button doesn't work if the path to the language file doesn't contain the '/' symbol.
MiscellaneousA direct link to a folder can cause a NullReferenceException.
MiscellaneousAn authenticated user is redirected to the login page when they access an item that they don't have read permission for.
MiscellaneousWhen you click the Forgot your Password link, an exception occurs when you reset the password in the German and Danish languages.
MiscellaneousAn incorrect client IP is displayed when the Sitecore servers are behind a proxy load balancer. 
MVCAnonymous users can preview an unpublished version of an item that has an MVC layout​​.
PerformanceThere is a memory leak when Caching.CacheKeyIndexingEnabled.AccessResultCache=true.
PerformanceThe number of records in the log file that are created by the IndexDependentHtmlCacheManager class has been minimized.
95130, 412932
PublishingOld blobs are not deleted from the web database when it is published.9375593755, 385967
PublishingIf the shared field of an item is changed, too many entries appear in the PublishQueue.
PublishingThe Object reference not set to an instance of an object exception sometimes occurs when publishing items.
94993, 409190
PublishingTracing failed requests break publishing.
95730, 428310
Rich Text EditorThe Format HTML command doesn't work.
91462, 336490
Security APIWhen a user tries to upload a file to the Media Library, an unhandled exception occurs.
Security APIEnabling Failed Request Tracing can cause the RemoveFromActiveList in MediaCache to fail.
96555, 447399
Security APIEnabling Failed Request Tracing can cause RuleCache clearing to fail.
96556, 447400
Security APIEnabling Failed Request Tracing can cause a rule which operates with items to fail to execute.
96557, 447401
SolrEscape characters generate an incorrect query.
SolrSearch terms that contain dashes "-" give incorrect search results.
SolrA language specific field is not created in the default language for items.
Web Forms for MarketersCreating a new field in a blank form throws a [NotSupportedException: Collection is read-only.] error.
WorkboxWhen you move an item from one workflow state to another, the Workbox lists the old workflow state as "?".
WorkboxIn the Workbox, the Content Editor does not open correctly when addAspxExtensionis=false.
93149, 375687

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