April 2018 – released Sitecore Experience Platform 8.2 Update 7 (rev. 180406)
This is a product update. Sitecore recommends that you upgrade to this release if it includes fixes that meet the specific needs of your organization. If this release does not include new functionality or specific fixes that your organization requires, you may benefit from waiting to upgrade until Sitecore releases an update that is relevant for your organization. This is especially true in production environments.
New features/improvements
Context | Description | Customer ticket ID (or other) | TFS no. |
Experience Analytics | The ability to truncate query strings for URLs in page related dimensions has been added. | 19666 | |
Marketing Foundation | The Contact Segmentation Index was updated to be compatible with the Right to be forgotten feature.This includes cases where tags, pages, and page event documents should be removed, as well as cases where the updates would have been ignored because of the setting to avoid indexing anonymous contacts. | 210484 | |
Marketing Foundation | To enable an organization to implement the Right to be informed as part of GDPR, the new Sitecore.Analytics.Model.Entities.IGdprStatus contact facet has been added. This facet contains the ExecutedRightToBeForgotten boolean field that indicates whether the Right To Be Forgotten has been executed for the contact. The facet also contains the PrivacyPolicyAcknowledgement collection that contains an audit trail of when the contact acknowledged the organization's privacy policy. Each item contains the following fields:- Agreement Date - the date when the customer confirmed that they agreed to the organization's latest privacy policy. - Policy Identifier - the unique identifier for the policy. This can include the version number. | ||
Marketing Foundation | A new pipeline initializeMongoDbCollectionsIndexes has been introduced that enables you to customize the initialization of the MongoDB indexes. It is run during Sitecore instance initialization process. You can extend the pipeline to ensure that all the required indexes are included or to drop obsolete indexes from the MongoDB collection.`` | ||
Marketing Foundation | To enable an organization to implement the Right of access and the Right to data portability as part of GDPR, the contact repository API was extended to retrieve the complete interaction history of a given contact. The Sitecore.Analytics.Data.ContactRepositoryBase.GetInteractionCursor method can be used to enumerate the contact's historical interactions, loading them in batches of a desired size. | 201445 | |
Marketing Foundation | To enable an organization to implement the Right to be forgotten , a new removeContactPiiSensitiveData pipeline has been implemented. | 201445 | |
Marketing Foundation | The default interval between attempts by Shared Session State to place a lock on a contact has been increased from 10 to 200 milliseconds to avoid unnecessary use of Shared Session Store resources. | 196356 | |
Marketing Foundation | The Sitecore.Analytics.ExcludeRobots.config file has been extended with new user agents for the Googlebot/2.1 and BUbiNG bots. | 197618, 197619 | |
Sitecore.ContentSearch.Azure | To avoid downtime, you can now switch Azure Search indexes on rebuild. | 495279, 486505, 485220, 493588, 491750, 478130, 485664, 484750 | 146822 |
Sitecore.ContentSearch.Azure | Azure Search now allows fields with the same name and different types to be stored next to each other in the index. | 483540 | 164142, 170084, 170254 |
Sitecore.ContentSearch.Azure | Azure Search now supports indexing in several languages. | 151795, 156686 |
Resolved issues
The following issues have been fixed:
Context | Description | Customer ticket ID (or other) | TFS no. |
API | The General Link Anchor saves to the wrong target. | 183327 | |
API | The roles assigned to a virtual user are lost if the user is redirected to another server. | 196266 | |
API | The order of the renderings changes when you remove a rendering from a layout. | 201886 | |
API | Loging in when the DisablePasswordRecovery setting is set to true breaks the login.js file. | 193491 | |
API | Profile changes for virtual users are not shown unless you clear the UserProfileCache . | 193799, 216247 | |
API | Automatic type conversion for IEnumerable doesn't work in the default Solr configuration. | 197659 | |
API | The LinkUpdaterJob job updates links for the same item multiple times. | 192299 | |
Content Editor | The TreeListEx field type does not respect ReadOnly permissions. | 94701, 402909 | |
Content Editor | You cannot expand sections in the Content Editor that contain non-ASCII characters. | 93699, 385145 | |
Content Editor | Parameters are not sent to the QueryState method. | 93409, 380595 | |
Content Editor | The Gallery.Icons control is broken and does not pop up correctly. | 202331 | |
Content Editor | The Check in command only unlocks the latest version of an item in the Content Editor. | 207331 | |
Content Editor | You always get old field values inside a validator. | 91313, 333285 | |
Content Editor | On the Developer tab, the Serialize Tree button throws an exception when there are big trees of items. | 95200, 415261 | |
Item Buckets Content Search | Fields with standard values are not indexed when the indexAllFields setting is set to false . | 408318 | |
Language Fallback | Disabling item language fallback on an item leads to outdated documents in indexes. | 154372 | |
Language fallback | Adding a new version of an item and publishing it removes documents in the fallback languages of the item from the web index. | 153722 | |
Layouts and Renderings | When you publish a clone item, the final layout changes are missing. | 199088 | |
Layouts and Renderings | The delta for the Final renderings field isn't updated for a different language if the Renderings field is changed. | 196571 | |
Links | The EditingNotAllowedException exception occurs in rendering parameters. | 94858, 406071 | |
Links | RemoveBrokenLinks.aspx does not work correctly. | 103875 | |
Links | When you add an anchor to a link in the RTE, it may appear in the middle of the query string instead of at the end. | 120848 | |
Marketing Foundation | Historical aggregation only runs in a single thread. | 199888, 96210 | |
Marketing Foundation | During historical rebuilding, if you copy definitions with the RebuildTargets setting set to Index , exceptions occur. | 196778 | |
Marketing Foundation | The contact lease for the contact {GUID} exception is now renewed properly when the contact reaches the max page count threshold during one visit. | 198208 | |
Marketing Foundation | A contact value may be lost if it is assigned after the contact reaches the MaxPageIndexThreshold during a parallel session. | 208784 | |
Marketing Foundation | Tracker.Current.Session.Identify performs a MergeVisits operation that can exceed the MongoDB sort operation memory usage limit. | 142272, 104465 | |
Marketing Foundation | A newly created campaign name is displayed as $name in the Attributes dialog, if the campaign item does not have a version in the default language. | 108531 | |
Marketing Foundation | It is impossible to configure the timeout for the web request created by Sitecore.Analytics.Commons.ConfigurationBasedHttpTransportFactory . | 109562, 110296 | |
Marketing Foundation | During the History Rebuild process, copying the definitions fails if Rebuild Targets is set to Index . | 196778 | |
Media | Media hash generation change doesn't work correctly. | 192711 | |
Media | You cannot detach file-based media items. | 192625 | |
Miscellaneous | If you add an anchor to an internal link, it doesn't appear in the rendered link tag. | 202562 | |
Miscellaneous | FieldEditor validation does not run correctly. | 90837, 322849 | |
Miscellaneous | The virtualFolder site setting doesn’t work properly if the physicalFolder property is not specified. | 91335, 334079 | |
Miscellaneous | The raw URL is encoded twice in the HandleItemNotFound method. | 91478, 336908 | |
Miscellaneous | The website is resolved incorrectly when it's hostname is a substring of the requested hostname. | 91535, 338338 | |
Miscellaneous | The DateTimeMacro does not switch to the selected date/time. | 94423, 398199 | |
Miscellaneous | Inline closing tags in HTML are removed and validation fails. | 139799 | |
Miscellaneous | Mixing display names with item names that contain hyphens causes links to break. | 163173 | |
Miscellaneous | When the user selects an item with a detached file-based media item, the logging message level has been changed from Error to Warning . | 173436 | |
Miscellaneous | When you access an item with an MVC layout in the Experience Editor, the The Controls collection cannot be modified error occurs. | 176688 | |
Miscellaneous | The RemoveLink method in the Layout field doesn't delete every broken link. | 188475 | |
Miscellaneous | The HashEncryption class is not thread safe. | 190277 | |
Miscellaneous | The ContextCache does not have any scavenging functionality and this can cause the OutOfMemoryException . | 191831 | |
Miscellaneous | There are too many disabled attributes in field controls. | 194585 | |
Miscellaneous | Implement a lock-free DocumentTypeMapCache . | 195244 | |
Miscellaneous | The grid view goes out of alignment when you add a new field to the search results. | 200327 | |
Miscellaneous | The item:saved event is fired more than once when you create items or add new versions. | 95306, 417978 | |
Miscellaneous | The LanguageFallbackFieldValuesProvider.IsValidForFallback method ignores the standard value of the Enable Shared Language Fallback field. | 105327 | |
Miscellaneous | Field level fallback indexing fails to update the fallback value when the original value is changed. | 130860 | |
Miscellaneous | When using the Redis session state provider, a non-optimal mechanism for processing expired sessions data causes Sitecore to crash due to the heavy load. | 500283 | 204592 |
Multibrowser fixes | The Rule Editor does not show the scroll bar. | 94730, 403632 | |
Multibrowser fixes | Changing the sort order of an item creates a new version of the item. | 93017, 373687 | |
Multibrowser fixes | The Rich Text Editor incorrectly processes a Delete Line operation in the HTML. | 93773, 386098 | |
Path Analyzer | The standard values for Path Analyzer maps have a broken link that prevents you from deploying new maps. | 196134, 213960 | |
Pipelines | The rootItem is displayed instead of the Login page when the visitor does not have permission to access an item. | 96219, 437738 | |
Publishing | Adding templates to the queue in the publish pipeline does not publish the templates correctly. | 94747, 404036 | |
Publishing | Templates with sections and fields are not published when the Related Items check box is selected. | 94877, 406474 | |
Publishing | The Publish related items feature publishes an item template without its subitems (sections, fields, __StandardValues). | 94883, 406573 | |
Publishing | Sitecore.Data.Items.ItemPublishing clogs up the ContextCache with null values during publishing. | 191837 | |
Publishing | The Publishing Restrictions dialog causes unnecessary item re-saves. | 200552 | |
Rich Text Editor | The modal window of the Rich Text Editor is truncated if it is opened on a tablet device. | 131835 | |
Security API | There is double encoding in the Sitecore.Pipelines.RenderLayout.SecurityCheck processor. | 91438, 336004 | |
Sitecore.ContentSearch.Azure | Search results only contain 50 items by default. | 492451, 491431, 481646, 479281, 497256, 495805, 492125 | 147550, 147551 |
Sitecore.ContentSearch.Azure | In the Content Editor, when a user filters search results by language, the filter is not applied. | 205818 | |
Sitecore.ContentSearch.Azure | Searching by _fullpath does not return any results if the _fullpath includes empty spaces. | 200381 | |
Sitecore.ContentSearch.Azure | Corrupted items prevent users from rebuilding indexes in Azure deployments. | 498128, 500140, 498447, 495086 | 198669 |
Sitecore.ContentSearch.Azure | When you use Azure search queries, to search for items in a specific language that contains a hyphen in its name (for example, en-AU), the results incorrectly contain items for all languages. | 502743, 491928, 487773, 501874, 496438 | 171546 |
Sitecore.ContentSearch.Azure | Searches that contain multiple words should only return documents that match the whole search phrase. | 500897, 491064, 481633, 501874, 498841 | 147386 |
Sitecore.ContentSearch.Azure | On Azure, web indexes can not be rebuilt from a CM server. | 499125, 495819 | 194495 |
Sitecore.ContentSearch.Azure | The Integer field does not map to Edm.Int32 by default. | 483540 | 164142 |
Sitecore.ContentSearch.Azure | Sitecore fields that are marked as non-searchable can be found using search. | 192278 | |
Sitecore.ContentSearch.Azure | Complex search queries that contain OR statements return incorrect search results. | 485763, 492251, 503065 | 166765 |