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Release Notes

February 2021– released Horizon 10.1.0


  • Horizon improvements:
    • When you assign a datasource to a rendering, you can now create a datasource item without having to switch to another dialog.
    • ​You can now publish pages and their children, for example, you can publish several pages related to a new product.
    • In the Page Editor, when you select a General Link, there is now an Internal Link option.
    • ​In the Content Editor, you can now edit fields in the current content item.
    • Horizon's new global search functionality allows users to search efficiently for content and pages.

New features/improvements

DescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
​​​​​​​​​​​The Checklist field type has been added.​​​402661
Horizon now supports global search.410849
Horizon now supports the Droptree field type.419610

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