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Release Notes

November 2018 - released Sitecore Install Framework 2.0.0

New Task

Invoke-RemoveXmlTask​ - deletes XML elements in XML files.

New Features/improvements

DescriptionADO no.
​​​​​You can now insert XML elements into XML files​. ​​​​​222099
​​​​​We have removed the dependency on the Sitecore Fundamentals PowerShell module. This required migrating the following functions to the main SIF module: Invoke-NewRootCertificateTask, Invoke-NewSignedCertificateTask, Invoke-AddWebFeatureSSLTask​ ​​​​​215452
SIF now supports Include/Partial of SIF templates in any other template​.168494
SIF now supports parameter validation.159042
Uninstallation support has been added for each topology. Uninstallation removes all the assets that are created during a standard installation including IIS sites, app pools, Windows Services, files, and databases. Uninstallation does ​​not remove client authentication certificates and SSL certificates. New PowerShell Cmdlet: Uninstall-SitecoreConfiguration. New Tasks: Invoke-RemoveAppPoolTask, Invoke-RemoveSqlDatabaseTask, ​Invoke-RemoveWebsiteTask230626
New Sitecore Install Framework templates and PowerShell tasks support the remote installation of Sitecore in a distributed environment. Remote deployment installs SIF remotely, copies the required assets; including the packages and license files to the target server, and installs Sitecore.​​​​ New Tasks: Invoke-InstallPSModuleTask, Invoke-InstallSitecoreConfigurationTask​230625

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