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Release Notes

August 2018, released Sitecore Publishing Service 3.1 Update 1

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed:

DescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
​Parents of related items are not created in the target database when you publish a single item with related items​.50770438569
​A concurrency issue in the UseIndex method of the IndexStrategy type causes publishing jobs to get stuck​.500935, 502222, 505331, 505475, 507005, 51239036232
​​The Link database is not updated when you publish a clone item.497092, 500935, 504855, 51030534137
​Moving child items from one parent item to another and deleting the original parent item can cause grandchild items to be deleted.51053739771
​When you publish an entire website, items are not published if publishing restrictions are set on their parent items.505027, 50623937748
Some data is missing when you try to publish a clone of a clone.​​489118, 501875, 50352729916
Related items are not republished if the source item has been published already​.502976, 506499, 50697234402
​The X86 (32 bit) restriction causes out of memory exceptions to occur during large publishing operations.510305, 50819239712
​​​​​​​​An item cannot be unpublished when every version is unpublishable.276695
​If the original item is changed, its clone item is not indexed correctly in the web index​.50352737123
​When you publish a single item and its related items, the parents of the related items are not created in the target database. You can enable this functionality by enabling sc.publishing.relateditems.xml in config/sitecore/publishing.512904, 512476, 50770438569
​The Workflow and the Workflow state must not be inherited from the __Standard Values​​.508072, 50805338668
​An item is not published if a shared field is changed in one language and then published in another​ language.501463, 502044, 50366236156

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