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Release Notes

December 2022 – released Sitecore Publishing Service 7.0

New features/improvements

DescriptionADO no.
​​We have added a task scheduling example file for configuring tasks.526409
​​You can now use Sitecore.Nexus.Consumption

Breaking changes

DescriptionADO no.
Support for multiple link databases has been implemented.​​475693
Sitecore Publishing Service has been upgraded to .NET 6.​​525886

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed:

DescriptionADO no.
​​PublishManager.PublishIncremental() does not publish an item whose workflow has changed while the site is getting published.405398
​​RulesCache is not cleared when using Publishing Service.431260
If the SQL connection becomes unavailable during publish, all publish jobs are not processed.​​502763
The Serilog ApplicationInsights assemblies have not been included in the OOB installation package of SPS 6.0.0.​​517546
​Publishing Service does not publish an empty text field that contains a space.​​545168

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