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Sitecore Experience Platform 10.4

Sitecore Experience Platform 10.4 introduces enhancements and corrective updates that provide improved security, prolonged supportability, performance, and usability.
See all available versions here.

Download options for Azure App Service deployments

Packages for XM SingleMay 28, 2024 - republished package to add missing Application Insights configuration. Packages for the Sitecore XM Single (XM0) instance topology.
Packages for XM ScaledMay 28, 2024 - republished package to add missing Application Insights configuration. Packages for each role of the Sitecore XM Scaled (XM1) topology.
Packages for XP SingleMay 28, 2024 - republished package to add missing Application Insights configuration. Packages for the Sitecore XP Single (XP0) instance topology.
Packages for XP ScaledMay 28, 2024 - republished package to add missing Application Insights configuration. Packages for each role of the Sitecore XP Scaled (XP1) topology.
Sitecore Azure Toolkit ResourcesMay 28, 2024 - republished package to add missing Application Insights configuration. SXP release-specific resources for use with the Sitecore Azure Toolkit. The Sitecore Azure Toolkit is here.

Download options for On Premises deployments

Packages for XM ScaledPackages for each role of the Sitecore XM Scaled (XM1) topology.
Packages for XP SinglePackages for the Sitecore XP Single (XP0) instance topology.
Packages for XP ScaledPackages for each role of the Sitecore XP Scaled (XP1) topology.
Installation Assistant for XM ScaledSitecore Install Assistant tool and resources for installing a Sitecore XM Scaled (XM1) topology.
Installation Assistant for XP SingleSitecore Install Assistant tool and resources for installing a Sitecore XP Single (XP0) topology.
Sitecore Installation FrameworkTooling for configuring and deploying Sitecore topologies to local or remote servers or virtual machines.
SIF Configuration GuideGuide describing how to use the Sitecore Installation Framework (SIF), Microsoft PowerShell module to deploy and configure a Sitecore topology.
Installation Guide for XM Scaled TopologyGuide describing how to install the Sitecore XM Scaled (XM1) topology to run the Content Management (CM), Content Delivery (CD),and Sitecore Identity roles.
Quick Install Guide for XP Developer WorkstationGuide describing how to install the Sitecore XP Single (XP0) topology on a workstation for development and testing purposes.
Installation Guide for XP Scaled TopologyGuide describing how to install the Sitecore XP Scaled (XP1) topology.
Sitecore UpdateApp ToolTool for updating SXP Core, Master, and Web databases.
Configuration files for upgradePackage containing configuration files and database scripts for upgrading.
Upgrade Installation GuideGuide describing how to upgrade Sitecore XP from previous releases.

Download options for Sitecore Container deployments

Container Deployment PackageLink to the Sitecore Container Deployment Package on GitHub, containing Docker Compose and Kubernetes specification files for deploying Sitecore in development and production container environments.
Image and Tags ListLink to the official tags list (.md and .json format) of all published Sitecore images available on the Sitecore Container Registry (SCR).
Developer Workstation Deployment with Docker GuideGuide describing how to use Sitecore Containers with Docker Compose to deploy a developer workstation.
Production Environment Deployment with Kubernetes GuideGuide describing how to use Sitecore Containers with Kubernetes to deploy to the Azure Kubernetes Service.
Upgrade Container Deployment GuideGuide describing how to use the Sitecore Container Deployment Package to upgrade the SQL Server databases of an existing Sitecore XP 10.0.X installation to 10.4.x.


Sitecore IdentitySingle sign-on mechanism for SXP deployments, used with Sitecore's membership storage or can be extended for use with an external identity provider.
Scripts for Sitecore Security databaseSet of scripts for moving Sitecore's Security membership objects from the Core database to its own security database.
Sitecore Experience AcceleratorTools to accelerate the production of SXP websites enabled by reuse of templates, layouts, and renderings.
Sitecore Codeless Schema ExtensionsCode and segmentation rules enabling business users to extend the xConnect schema without requiring code development.
Azure Blob StorageAzure Blob Storage package for XM Developer, XM Scaled, XP Developer, XP Scaled configurations.
Sitecore Publishing Service ModuleIntegrates the optional Sitecore Publishing Service with SXP, which focuses on high performance publishing in large-scale deployments.
Sitecore Headless RenderingHeadless services bundle including the server-side APIs, Edge Connector, and front-end SDKs for JavaScript (JSS) and ASP.NET rendering.
Sitecore Universal TrackerOptional mechanism for tracking site visitor interactions, well suited for headless implementations and for collecting from different sources.


Sitecore Connect for Content HubConnector for synchronizing data between SXP and Content Hub.
Sitecore Connect for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for SalesConnector for synchronizing data between SXP and Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales.
Sitecore Connect for Salesforce CRMConnector for synchronizing data between SXP and Salesforce CRM.
Sitecore Connect for Salesforce Marketing CloudConnector for synchronizing data between SXP and Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
Sitecore Data Exchange FrameworkFramework for transforming and transfering data between SXP and 3rd party systems.

Release information

Release notesList of improvements and resolved issues implemented in the release.
Known issuesLink to known issue articles on the Sitecore Knowledge Base.
Developer DocumentationLink to Sitecore developer documentation.
Assembly listComplete list of assemblies shipped with the release.

Client translations

Danish (da-DK)Danish language client translation file. See instructions on how to import a new language into the Sitecore installation.
German (de-DE)German language client translation file. See instructions on how to import a new language into the Sitecore installation.
Japanese (ja-JP)Japanese language client translation file. See instructions on how to import a new language into the Sitecore installation.
Chinese (zh-CN)Chinese language client translation file. See instructions on how to import a new language into the Sitecore installation.
Chinese GeoIP Localization PackThe pack provides enhanced region detection for China. The pack should be installed as a regular Sitecore module.

Usage policies

Sitecore Device Detection Services usage policyThis policy is applicable if you are using Sitecore Device Detection Service.
Sitecore IP Geolocation usage policyThis policy is applicable if you are using Sitecore IP Geolocations Service.

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