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New XM Cloud Docker tools image 

XM Cloud

XM Cloud


A new XM Cloud Docker tools image for local development, based on the Sitecore Docker tools image, is now available. If you are working with a local content management instance that runs in Docker, the new foundation code has the advantage of automatically syncing and updating with the XM Cloud Deploy app, making sure your code is up to date with our new releases, and making XM Cloud an extension point to your local starter kit.  

To upgrade to the new version, apply the following changes to the sitecore-xmcloud-docker-tools-assets image:

In the .env file:

  • Change the TOOLS_IMAGE environment variable
    from TOOLS_IMAGE=scr.sitecore.com/tools/sitecore-docker-tools-assets:10.2.0-1809
    to TOOLS_IMAGE=scr.sitecore.com/tools/sitecore-xmcloud-docker-tools-assets.

In the docker-compose.override.yaml file: 

  • Change cm build args

  • Change the cm container entrypoint
    from  entrypoint: powershell -Command "& C:/tools/entrypoints/iis/Development.ps1” 
    to entrypoint: powershell -Command "& C:/tools/entrypoints/iis/XmCloudDevelopment.ps1"

In the up.ps1 file:

  • add the following code before the docker compose build command instruction:

$xmcloudDockerToolsImage = ($envContent | Where-Object { $_ -imatch "^TOOLS_IMAGE=.+" }).Split("=")[1]
Write-Host "Keeping XM Cloud Tools image up to date" -ForegroundColor Green
docker pull "$($xmcloudDockerToolsImage):$($sitecoreVersion)"

For an example of how to update these files, refer to the following pull request


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